
My Gallery of Paintings

All Paintings Currently For Sale

For interested collectors and buyers of my work, click here to see all paintings currently for sale, Use your browser’s back buttons and the Up link to return to the site.

Please, use the small menus below to see Exhibition, My Personal Showcase, My Collection, the Sale Paintings, and My Atelier Photos.

Go directly to the photo story: Commission Artwork from start to finish

Here the artist will share with you some of his own personal collections   Currently we have the large images and the smaller images available for your  Please take the time to see them all, and by all means, enjoy yourself and please take a moment to tell Jean Claude what you think of his collection on the contact page. Thank you for your time.
-Jean Claude Boutrouille

My Painting Featured on Front Page of Absolute Arts and have decided to feature my painting, “ImaginaryLandscape“, for sale on their front page. I have a full copy of the absolutearts page in my Review album below for you to see, or check out the sale at for yourself while it is still available for sale!

New – 3D Art! 
As a special treat, we have assembled a 3D Art Flip applet for you to try. You can simply watch as the paintings are displayed. They spin and flip in 3D space and the applet is also sensitive to your mouse so that you can give the applet commands. By moving the mouse and clicking the buttons you can start, stop, and change the images. If you see a painting you wish to study a bit, stop it with the mouse for a better look, then find it in the galleries to see it full size with all of the detail visible. This is a marvelous new way to look at art and is worth a look, at least once. Give it a try, won’t you? 3D Art Flip Here

The images in the collections are thumbnails to allow you to peruse them and pick something of interest to examine closer. By clicking the image itself, you will get to see it, full scale, and very detailed. One more click will take you to a page with a magnifying glass cursor. One click to make very large, scroll to see areas of interest, one more click to return the image to fit the page. Use your browser’s Back button to return back to the gallery, another image, or back up to the Jean Claude site. Suggestions, comments, praise, and honest criticism from those in a position to give it are very welcome, please submit them on our contact page. Thank you.

I do commission work for select individual collectors, museums, public buildings, and anyone with an interest in having an original painting, commissioned especially for them. Prices depend upon the individual job and the work can be tailored to the individual’s personal taste, as long as it is done in my own style of work that I do. I thought it might be interesting for my visitors to see the steps involved in creating a custom, commissioned work of art, from start to finish, with a progression of pictures,

This particular work was done for a Canadian woman collector and took approximately 2 months to finish. The finished work is proudly displayed in her private condominium at Trump Towers and is not open to the public. But for anyone interested in the process of having a special work of art commissioned, this is pretty much how it is done, from start to finish.

Commission artwork, from canvas to frame. My Photostory!

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All photographs of the Art for Sale in my Sale Paintings Gallery are professionally done by:

Janeris Photography